The majority of us know that sinking feeling in our stomach when we look in the mirror and see those crops of blemishes on our face the much-disliked presence of acne. Studies show that between 75% to 95% of our teenage population and even many adults deal with Acne. Studies have been done that show acne can have an effect on the way we feel about ourselves making it difficult to thrive and function in social circles. It can also make you become preoccupied with imperfections, making it very difficult to see anything other than a big red thing on your face. Well if you knew how to improve self-esteem and make dramatic improvements in your health with one step, would you do it? Well you can help things by simply changing your diet.
Probably the most important reason for this increase in the incidence of Acne is our diet. Yes that is right! What many had suspected, now has significant scientific research to support it. Researchers have studied ethnic populations that have stuck to their traditional diets and have found they have no acne at all. These include the Kitavan Islanders of Papau New Guinea and the Ache’ hunter-gatherers of Paraguay. Dr. O Schaefer, a physician who worked with the Inuits (Eskimos) for decades has described how this group of people who had never experienced acne started to develop this problem as their diets became more westernized.
There appear to be three major factors in the formation of Acne. One is an increase in formation of keratin - the tough protein found in hair, skin and nails that makes them strong and protects the underlying cells from the vagaries of the environment. The increased keratin can clog up the pores of the oil secreting glands in the skin. Secondly an increase in androgenic hormones (also called masculinizing or male hormones - though they are found in both men and women) increases the secretion of oil by these glands. And thirdly there is an increase in contamination by the skin hair follicles by a bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes. (This is why Acne is often treated with antibiotic cremes or oral antibiotics)
The most important dietary change that has made acne such problem is the large amounts of highly processed refined carbohydrates in our diet. This stimulates an increased release of a hormone called insulin in the body. Highly refined processed carbohydrates have a high glycemic index and include sugar, white bread, white rice and other processed grains to name a few. This causes the high levels of insulin in the body. The high insulin in turn has been shown to increase keratin, increase production of the male hormones and increase secretions of the oil glands causing acne(A study done in Australia recruited males between the ages of 15-25 and put half of them on a low-glycemic diet and found a significant improvement in their symptoms as compared to the young men who stayed on a regular diet. )
Secondly deficiencies of zinc and vitamin A can trigger acne. Diets rich in these nutrients can decrease and reverse acne. They can also be prescribed as supplements by your doctor.
Thirdly a decrease in Omega 3 fatty acids can trigger outbreaks of acne. Omega 3 fatty acids are found in flax seed, fish and fish oil, walnuts and pecans to name a few sources.
If you or a teenager has acne try these dietary changes and see what a difference that can make to the person in the mirror.
As always consult your physician to help you put together a plan to combat acne. There can be other medical reasons for acne that may need to be ruled out. Taking individual supplements can cause deficiencies in other nutrients so do not do so without help from a professional.